Sunday, January 1, 2012

Finnish School System's Amazing Results

The Atlantic Monthly, New York Times, and other media giants are taking a swing at summing up Pasi Sahlberg's book: Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?

They focus on less homework, more focus on creativity and the one aspect that speaks to me:


Although I've yet to read the book I am at the toppish end of a hold list at the local library.

And so, my uneducated unsolicited opinion is that "Choice Schools", "Private Schools", "Charter Schools" can have the unintended consequence of ghetto-izing neighborhood schools. a leadership exodous. Students, parents, families who have the time and means to be leaders in the school community abandon their neighborhood schools. Those schools then have less resourceful parents, families, and communities. Not just financially but the emotional support a student can offer another. The skills a student brings with them to the classroom provide support for the rest of the class and the community.

Case in Point: I did not learn addition from any teacher, any book, but from a classmate. And then taught my other classmates, siblings, and friends.

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