Monday, October 10, 2011

You have rights!

I am now a volunteer at Basic Rights Oregon, working on a "persuasion campaign"... Calling voters across the state and finding out how they stand on the issue of same sex marriage. It was an incredibly difficult night hearing people who were adamantly homophobic. It was also beautiful and nurturing to hear people who were very supportive. I mixed bag, really. Regardless I am glad I'm in my 30s and have the emotional reservoirs to deal with the homophobia. It reminded me to point out to any one reading this blog:

If you are being bullied know: You have a right to:

* Live your life free from fear
* Be safe and protected
* A supportive home, community and/or school environment
* Thrive physically, psychologically, socially and academically

If you experience bullying or violence because you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT), or others think you are LGBT, remember that you:

* Matter and have a place in the world
* Are not alone - help and support is only a phone call away
* Can be proud of who you are

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