Monday, September 12, 2011

Bullying and 9/11

My first teaching gig where I wasn't a substitute or student teacher. A time when I had my own classroom was 2001. And, unfortunately, 9/11. In first period class nothing else was on the student's minds. It was a struggle to find the balance of "science class time" and "lets talk about this crazy thing that happened". Looking back I wish I'd focused on the later.

In that school we had very few Arab students. About 20% dropped out of school shortly after 9/11. Hopefully they moved on to other schools, after reading a recent article I have come to doubt that.

The article, Bullying Targets Muslims, Arabs, Say Activists, is disheartening to read. Students report being called "towel head", "terrorist, "camel jockey", and other epitaphs in a spirit of vengeful hazing. These students have been threatened and beat up in what they feel has been a backlash since 9/11.

The article highlights one middle schooler's dissapointment to find his year book riddled with references to bombs following 9/11.

Bullying doesn't allow us to heal. Embrace thy neighbors.

The Qu'ran that states, It may be that God will ordain love between ou and those whom you hold as enemies. For god has power over all things, ; and God is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. Qu'Ran 60.7

That being said we can remember the cautionings of our contemporary spiritual leader who's language is more direct:

An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind. - Ghandi

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